Hacker Guide

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Have you ever wanted to be a hacker? Have you ever used tools in which you have no clue on what it's meant for, but just mess around with it anyway? Have you ever downloaded a tool but never used it - it's just there until you actually learn what it does? This guide is based on everything you need to know in order to become a real hacker, not someone in the movies. It takes a lot to be a hacker, you have to know a lot, you have to think a lot, you have to know how to manipulate something to give you the information you want. Fortunately, I will be showing you exactly how to become a real hacker, not to be one of those click-click program skiddies.

What you will be learning

At the end of this guide, you should know and be able to teach (if not explain)
  • How a hacker works
  • The types of hackers
  • How to be a successful hacker
  • Why coding is important
  • What to know
  • What to watch out for
  • How to be careful
  • Advanced Hacking


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In order to be a successful hacker, one needs to know;
  • How to be safe (very important)
  • How to do something manually instead of using a tool
  • How a hack actually manipulates something to give it information
  • The types of hacks out there


Right now, you should want to know the basics of hacking before going onto anything advanced. Let's say you are an absolute beginner and know fuck all about hacking. Firstly, you'll need to know the main 3 types of different hackers out there. This will make you want to choose which one you want to be, and which one suits you the best. A successful hacker does not get caught - he also uses minimal tools and does it all manually himself with no help whatsoever. A hacker usually uses something to gain information from another whether it be for experience or to steal something from it. So, there are 3 main types of hackers which include

  • White Hats
  • Black Hats
  • Grey Hats

What is a White Hat?

Simply put, a white hat is a hacker that hacks for the good - they find vulnerabilities in websites and computers and make up a patch for it. These guys are the main types of hackers you should trust, they are the reason your website and computer in general are secured. White hat hackers can get jobs unlike other hackers, for example there is a user on HF that has been invited to a major company, Apple, to be an employee there to work on the security. They earn quite a lot of money actually, but a Black Hat & Grey Hat can earn equally the same amount of money as the White Hat does.

What is a Black Hat?

A black hat is your bad guy. He will find vulnerabilities and exploits in a website or computer and take it to their advantage - gain everything they can from that which include Credit Card details, personal files, login information, and with this can get a lot from you and expose your privacy. Yes, these hackers should not be trusted by anyone. They create viruses to destroy your computer for their own laughter - or to gain information from you. They can get a lot of money if they have hacked into a bank account or stolen your CC information, so best be careful when lurking around these guys.

What is a Grey Hat?

A grey hat is an "in between" hacker. They hack for the good and they hack for the bad. What you should know is that it's best not you trust them, as they can easily turn around and stab your back. They will find a vulnerability in something and tell the Owner to cough up some cash or they will use it to their advantage where, unlike a White hacker, will give the vulnerability to them for free.


Now awesome, you know the 3 main types of hackers. What are the tools you should use to explore your first steps as a hacker? I would actually recommend (though some might not agree) using

  • Keyloggers
  • Rats
  • & Creating small viruses via batch

What is a Keylogger, though?

A Keylogger captures keystrokes a certain person types in, and sends it to their email. This is a pretty common way to quickly grab someone's password, or, if you're a lurker, just look at their conversations for fun. Basically what happens is a Keylogger provides you with options, and once you have completed those options, allows you to build a server. This server is actually virus infected, and once sent, manipulates the victims computer to send them certain information - in this case, keystrokes (and screenies, though it varies with different keyloggers)

What to do:

  • Set your options as you wish
  • Build the server
  • Crypt the server
  • Bind the server
  • Upload the Server & Send it

Now, why should we crypt our server? Well, it's virus infected and taking note that most of our victims we shall send it to have AV's, their AV's will detect this funny server, and block it from use - also making the slave alert. That's why you should Crypt the server - so it remains undetectable from those bad ass AV's.

Bind it? Can't we just send it as it is? Well, you could but I can assure you no one will download something that has a big fat "SERVER" named on it. In order to get a lot slaves, you want to bind your server to a program someone would WANT to download. So, let's say you have this awesome keygen for cracking windows keys - a lot of members need this, so you shall bind your server to a keygen, and wallah - A lot of slaves per day. 


Err, what is a RAT?

A RAT stands for Remote Administration Tool. This allows you to basically view/control anything the slave does. This is quite a fun method of hacking and you can gain a lot on what normal day to day people like them do. Basically, it has the same features as a keylogger, though the server manipulates the other computer to give all access to the hacker. Sounds fun, but it's a bit more work then a keylogger. The same list of rules apply to RATS.


Coding? You got to be kidding me?

The pope shits in the woods, bro. You don't need to know anything about coding. Okay, actually you do. As I have said, you should also start fiddling with making batch viruses - this is coding. Making small batch viruses and seeing how they control a computer is actually quite amazing. Open up notepad, get a tutorial on how to create a small virus that won't cause permanent harm to YOUR computer and that's it.

A hacker shouldn't use tools - it isn't necessary. A hacker should know how to do something manually instead of hovering over tools to do the hard work for them - you shouldn't take any credit either. You did shit, the tool did all the work. I have seen A LOT of "Hackers" tell me they hacked a website; when I told them what they used to hack, they said "I used this program called Havij <3 xD". I mean come on guys, do you call THAT a REAL hacker?

Okay, so what have we learn?

  • The 3 Main Hackers
  • Very Basic Hacks


Staying Safe

Now, we are going to take a look at how to be safe. This is what every beginner hacker should know. It's all fun to hack something, but what about what the Admin might do? Have you ever thought; "What if he tracks meh down?!" or "Will I get bust for taking fbi.gov out?". A hacker must always keep his privacy - that being said, give as little information to others as possible. Protecting yourself via Proxies, VPN's, XSS Tunnelling, whatever you can to make sure you never get sent downtown. It's quite easy to get busted these days, especially with the amount of good technology being created to stop us. So REMEMBER: ALWAYS, I MEAN ALWAYS, USE A VPN/PROXY WHENEVER YOU ARE HACKING. LET ME REPEAT: ALWAYS, I MEAN ALWAYS, USE A VPN/PROXY WHENEVER YOU ARE HACKING. ONCE MORE:

I can almost promise you that you won't find it fun sitting in jail for something you did sitting on your ass. As soon as you start to do something related to hacking, make SURE you have either a VPN, Proxy or XSS Tunnelling to ensure your privacy and safety. Getting Proxies and VPN's are easy, but if you want XSS Tunnelling you'll have to look into website hacking. It's very secure though.

 - A proxy is a way of securing yourself over the Internet, giving you another IP during the time you are using the Proxy. There are millions of proxies to connect to. Unlike VPN's, Proxies only work web-based. So, let's say you were banned in a computer game online like GTA:SAMP, and you put a proxy on. It would still take you as banned, because Proxies work on websites (or aka using a browser).

VPNS - A VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. Do not confuse this with Virtual Private Server (or VPS). It basically works like a Proxy; it hides your IP. There are a lot of VPN's out there, some cost money, some don't. I recommend you buy a VPN instead of getting a free one as free ones are not always that stable. Now, let's say you want to hack a website, and you have a VPN. Depending on your VPN, you're either going to have to use it via the "Connect To Network" function, or if you can just click "Connect" on the VPN application itself, that works too. I would stress on what VPN you get because some VPN's keep logs; and they are willing to give it to anyone who has been hacked. So, what do you need to remember? Get a VPN that does not keep any logs, and that is fast and secure.

Some links to keep you motivated on being safe:


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Why is coding Important? Coding is important because it allows us to have a greater understanding on how a malicious tool manipulates a computer to give it certain information. This is something we should appreciate. Ideally, it takes some time to learn how to code and why you should code. Why you should code is simple. Let's say you are looking for a malicious tool, but you cannot find it. But, you know about coding, so you can code it. Instead of searching Google countless hours, you can easily make the tool yourself. You can also sell it - getting money by just sitting on your ass. Now, doesn't that sound fun? I mean, sitting on your ass, making a living? Must be one of the most laziest jobs besides being a street sweeper. You code with something called a "Programming Language".

The Programming Languages:

Common Programming Languages:
    [*]Visual Basic and .NET Framework
  • C/C++/Obj-C Programming
  • Batch ,Shell, Dos and Command Line Interpreters
  • Java Language, JVM, and the JRE
  • PHP Development
  • Python
  • Assembly Language and Programming
  • Perl Programming
  • Delphi
  • Lua Coding

Now, that is quite a lot, I would imagine. You can't possibly learn all of these languages in one go, so it is recommended you master one, then go on to the next. I would personally start with Batch / Visual Basic if I were you. These are 2 easy programming languages that don't require a huge amount of knowledge, and it's quite fun to code in too. Each of these programming languages have their own specialty, and are made to create certain things though, for example, the same keylogger could be created in Visual Basics as well as C++. There are quite a lot of tutorials on each of these programming languages so I would recommend heading down to the "Coding" Tab to start off. 

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Now we are coming to the point where we would call this "Big Boy" Hacking. This involves hacking websites, computers and so on manually/Tool wise (though it is not common and least effective). I will focus on website hacking here. This will require you to actually know what you are doing and to not fool around when doing so. You can go to jail in an instance by doing this. There is also WiFi hacking, but I'm going to leave that out. 

Website Hacking

There are a few ways to hack a website. These are all done differently, and some of the ways are through

  • SQL Injection (Most Common)
  • XSS Injection
  • RFI
  • LFI 


SQL Injection

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. This, like I have stated, is the most common way of hacking a website these days, along with XSS. Basically it occurs when a users input is not filtered which is then passed into a MySQL error statement. With this, users can issue statements which will then manipulate the website into giving it information. This code tells us of the vulnerability:

PHP Code:
statement "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `name` = '" userName "';" 
Basically, it is done when a user types a ' at the end of a url which usually has, for example, page.php?id=[number]'. If it pops up with an error, it is vulnerable. If not, it is not vulnerable.

SQL Injection Tutorial  
Click here for The SQL tutorial 

SQL Injection This Tutorial is alot better Than the First one  


RFI stands for Remote File Inclusion. It allows an attacker to include a file, basically. Let's say we had a website which gave us, for example, page=example. To test for an RFI vulnerability, we would simply remove the "example" and replace that with a website to test it first. So, page=example would become page=www.google.com. If Google shows on the page, basically breaking the rest of the page, then it is vulnerable. This way, hackers upload their shell and completely destroy the website. They would remove "example" and put their shell on, and control it from there. This is probably the easiest way to hack a website.

RFI Tutorial
 Click here For the RFI Tutorial 

(i never had use this method Mainly because iam Still a Noob :() ) 


XSS stands for Cross Site Scripting. Basically it can be used anywhere in a site where there is an input box. What the attacker would do is type in a small script, such as ""><Script>alert("Hi")</script>". If it reloads and pops up with a Javascript box, saying "Hi", then it is vulnerable. This is used to capture cookies, for XSS Tunnelling and for others.

XSS Tutorial

Click here For the Tutorial 


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Q.How can I hack facebook?

A.You can hack facebook via SE'ing, sending them a keylogger or Ratting them to retrieve their password. Make sure they live in the same area as you though or you'll have to answer questions.

Q.How can I hack a Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo! Account?

A. You can hack a Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo! Account by SE'ing them, sending them a keylogger or Ratting them to retrieve their password.

Q. How do I change my IP?

A. It depends. If your IP is static, you can't change it. If it's dynamic, reset your router and leave it overnight. The next morning, you should be assigned a new IP.

Q. How can I stay Anonymous?

A. To be anonymous, use a Proxy/VPN.


Anonymous said...

Ty soo much!

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