CompTIA A+ E-Book,Guide.Get certificated Now!

 CompTIA A+ certification validates foundation-level knowledge and skills necessary for a career in PC support. It is the starting point for a career. The international, vendor-neutral certification proves competence in areas such as installation, preventative maintenance, networking, security and troubleshooting.

CompTIA A+ certified technicians also have excellent customer service and communication skills to work with clients. 
Two exams are necessary to be certified: CompTIA A+ Essentials, exam code 220-701; and CompTIA A+ Practical Application, exam code 220-702.
CompTIA A+ Essentials measures the necessary competencies of an entry-level IT professional with a recommended 500 hours of hands-on experience in the lab or field. It tests for technical understanding of computer technology, networking and security, as well as the communication skills and professionalism now required of all entry-level IT professionals.
CompTIA A+ Practical Application is an extension of the knowledge and skills identified in CompTIA A+ Essentials, with more of a "hands-on" orientation focused on scenarios in which troubleshooting and tools must be applied to resolve problems.
Candidate job roles include enterprise technician, field service technician, PC or support technician and IT administrator. CompTIA A+ is part of the certification track for corporations such as Microsoft, HP and Cisco. Other technology companies, including Dell, Intel, Lenovo and Ricoh, have made CompTIA A+ certification mandatory for their service technicians. The U.S. Department of Defense recognizes CompTIA A+ and the Department of Homeland Security requires it as part of their computer forensics program.


 The exam covers network technologies, installation and configuration, media and topologies, management, and security. Candidate job roles include network administrator, network technician, network installer, help desk technician and IT cable installer.
Companies such as Dell, HP, Ricoh, Sharp and Xerox recommend or require CompTIA Network+ for their networking technicians. It is a technical prerequisite option for IT technicians seeking to join the Apple Consultants Network, and is recognized by the U.S. Department of Defense.
The current version of CompTIA Network+, exam code N10-005, was released Dec. 1, 2011. The revised objectives address virtual networking and give increased attention to network security and coverage of the seven-layer OSI (Open System Interconnection) model.

Download and Get certificated 

How to set up a Bukkit Minecraft Server + Plugin tutorials


This guide will cover setting up a server, managing, and modifying it for both VPS's and local machine servers, however it will be tailored more towards VPS owners looking to start official servers. In addition to setting up the basic server, I will offer my endless support for plugins, new and old, but I'll explain that process more later. Now let's get started!

Useful Tools For VPS Owners

First off, I must state that these are not required, but offer many extendability and ease of data management options for VPS owners.

PuTTy - A Free Telnet/SSH Client
WinSCP - Free SFTP, SCP and FTP client for Windows

I strongly recommend WinSCP for VPS owners. It adds the ability to eliminate "wget" and "nano file.fileextension" by adding the function to edit text in the text editor of your choice as well as transfer files over from your computer to the server.

General Info

For those of you who are reading this guide, hearing me talking about Bukkit and having no clue what in the heck I am talking about this section of the guide will tell you. Bukkit is a server mod, the successor to Hey0's Mod a previous discontinued server mod. Bukkit allows for the use of plugins to modify gameplay beyond that plain old cut trees, build a house style you experience when playing the game for your first time. There are hundred of plugins out there, their abilities range from protecting blocks, griefer rollback, economic functionality, and countless mechanical functions. I will, of course cover the basic essential plugins that you will need, also ones I strongly suggest, later on in the tutorial.

Other things to note: Bukkit WILL break on every update that Notch releases for Minecraft.

Bukkit's Website -

Obtaining and Running the Bukkit Server Mod

First off, you're going to want to go to this link NOT EXECUTE THIS FILE) and download the latest recommended build of Bukkit. After that, create a folder anywhere and put the Bukkit server mod inside. Then you are going to want to go to this link find your OS and follow the instructions it gives. After following the instructions for your OS the server should start, and files should generate inside the folder you created. Now you've done that you can either run in and have a jolly old time on your vanilla Minecraft server, or you can go ahead with this guide and get some plugins in there. If you want to continue, you should stop the server.

Now you should have noticed a file called that generated in the folder you created for Bukkit, you can open it, and edit the settings to your liking.

Getting Plugins

Plugins can be found here and I wouldn't recommend downloading them from anywhere else. Before you get lost in the hundreds of plugins available, I'll start you off with the basics: Permissions, WorldEdit, and WorldGuard.

Go ahead and download all of those but don't place them anywhere just yet. To install any plugin you're going to want to download it and place it in the plugins folder that generated upon starting your server. Then to complete the installation start your server. Be sure to note the functions of the plugin, a plugin that manages heavy amounts of data, such as LogBlock or BigBrother which log block placement and destruction, may cause noticeable lag if not properly configured.

Now to get started, drop Permissions.jar into the plugins folder and follow the installation notes here Permissions, if you hadn't noticed already, allows for user management of commands through and advanced permissions system with inheritance and the like. If you have further questions about this request help with the form below.

Now for WorldEdit and WorldGuard. These ones are much more easy to install, just drop WorldEdit.jar and WorldGuard.jar into your server and start it. As for what they do, WorldEdit allows for cuboid based selections and map editing, while WorldGuard adds protection functionality into WorldEdit, allowing you to protect your map against fires, greifers, etc.

Configuring Plugins

Configuring is plugins is easy in general, some can be a tad tricky, however. First off, you're going to want to go to the folder in which your server is located, going to the plugins folder, then clicking folder of the name of the plugin you want to configure. In that folder there should be in most cases a config.yml or another file similar to it. Click it and you may edit the settings freely. Most configuration files are simply changing true to false, on to off, or setting a simple integer. But with more advanced plugins comes more advanced options such as MySQL data management etc. You'll need to set that information according to your database. MySQL, H2SQL, or SqLite are ALWAYS better than flatfile. Flatfile stresses your server and can be a leading cause for crashes if you have to many flatfile plugins.

Always remember to keep the format of the file the same way you found it!

Managing and Maintaining Your Server

Now as mentioned above, every Minecraft update will break Bukkit. Don't panic (as mentioned in a post from Bukkit Developers Bukkit works diligently to update their mod after each update so you will just have to be patient. In the mean time, you can downgrade your client to play on your server.

With each Bukkit update comes the potential to break your plugins. Bukkit updates their server mod frequently, even when there is no Minecraft updates. It's recommended that you update your build of Bukkit as well as your plugins to the latest recommended builds available.

Also, you're going to also start to notice a pesky log file, appropriately named server.log slowly but surely gaining size in the folder you put your Bukkit in. This log contains all chat logs and error logs from when your server has been started. If it grows to big, you can always stop your server, delete it, and restart your server to have it generate again.

Finally, your going to always want to check that every one of your plugins' data handling is the best it can be. If the only option is has is flatfile, and you think it's lagging your server, remove it. I'm not saying you can't use flatfile, but I strongly recommend using any type of database management over it. Also if you find your server to be lagging, remove some plugins, because a lot of plugins can cause a lot of lag.


I know theres confusion with some plugins out there so I'm offering my help, instead of creating a new thread at every plugin problem you have you can come here and request help from me. However, you will have to post you need help with it below and agree to the fact that I have a life, and may not be able to help you with every problem you have.

If you just want a general overview of a plugin just request it and I will write a small guide on using it below.

Warning, lengthy guide on Permissions plugin! (Click to Hide)

First off, download Permissions from the plugin page of and be sure to download the full zip file. Then extract it to your desktop and go to your server directory(where your server is located). Next drag and drop in the Permissions.jar and PermissionsSql.jar into the plugins folder. After you have done that navigate into it and create a folder named "Permissions". Once that is done take the RE-NAME-ME folder that was in the file and rename it to the name of your world. After that, start and stop your server to complete installation.


Permissions uses the .yml file extension, so be sure to keep the format of the files the same way you found it. After you started and stopped the server head to the Permissions folder that you created inside the plugins folder. You will see a bunch of other files that you can ignore for now. We're going to focus on the files inside the "world" folder so navigate into there. You should see "groups.yml" and "users.yml". To start, open "groups.yml" and read the commented lines(with the #'s at the beginning). That should explain most of what you need to know on how to edit the file, but I will explain each part of the format for making a group.

Quote:Default:           # This represents the name of your group
default: true     # This is whether this is the default group. That means that this will be the group a new user is set into upon first joining your server.
info:                # You can ignore this, but be sure to add it into a group when you're creating a new one.
prefix: ''           # This is used for setting the prefix of the group. It will appear ahead of a player's name.
suffix: ''           # This is used for setting the suffix of the group. It will appear behind the player's name.
build: false       # This setting tells whether the users in this group are allowed to build.
inheritance:      # This setting is for group inheritance. If you put a group under it, this group will inherit all of the permissions that the group has.
permissions:     # This is for setting nodes and will be explained in detail below.


Permissions uses "nodes" to handle their permissions for who can and cannot use commands or plugin features. A node looks like this: WorldGuard.superpickaxe. Players in the group with that node will be able to use WorldGuard's super pickaxe command. Now you can't just go around making your own nodes up. When you install a plugin be sure to look if it supports permissions. If it does, the nodes available for the commands should be listed on the page somewhere. If it doesn't, then the commands usually default to "OP only" (You can set yourself OP by typing OP <username> in the console, without the <>'s). To make a group that has all permissions and can use every command you only need to use one node, and it is '*' exactly how you see it.

Users File

Navigate over to the users file and I will briefly explain how to set users into groups. It's quite simple actually and can easily be done. I will explain the format just as I did for the groups file above.

Quote: QuackzMcDuck:   # The Minecraft username of the player.
groups:              # Ignore this, although it is needed.
- Admins             # The group you want the player to be in.

So using the above format, the use QuackzMcDuck(me) would be in the Admins group.

If you have any more questions, comments, or concerns please don't hesitate to ask. I hope you enjoyed it.
Minecraft is quite CPU intensive. A computer that hosts a Minecraft server should be powerful enough for handling the load. There can be both single as well as multi-player servers. Then again, the system configuration determines how many players can play at the same time.
While the official system requirements for Minecraft Server have not yet been announced, the following is what has been derived from practical set-ups.

System requirements for single player:-

Most present-day computers can easily allow single-player Minecraft gaming. Some of the older ones can do too. Having a 1GB RAM or even 500MB, a single core 1GHz processor, upload and download speeds of 512kbps and 100MB of free disk space is quite sufficient.

System requirements for multi-players:-

When it comes to hosting a Minecraft server for multiple players, it is essential that you have some knowledge about networking and hosting. The upload speed supported by your system and internet connection, plays a major role in determining the number of players that can play at a time. The higher the upload speed, the more the number of people that can play simultaneously. The hard drives that ship with computers these days are spacious enough for handling multiple players. However, if you wish to beef it up, you can always go ahead with it. A dual core processor, with about 1.5GHz speed should be fine. However, if the speed is 2GHz or more, it should be better. The video card you use on the server does not make much of a difference, as graphics is rendered on the system on which the game is played. Many people prefer using the powerful AMD graphics processors and the newer NVidia cards. Even Intel GPUs are used on the gaming machines.
Here is a table which gives a rough idea of the minimum system requirements for Minecraft server hosting for multiple players. Generally, players are limited to 25-30 per server. However, there are a few extremely powerful servers that host up to 100+ players at one time. Such servers are however very expensive to set-up and maintain.
Players RAM Upload Speed Download Speed
2 500 MB or more 512 kbps 1 Mbps or more
3 500 MB or more 1 Mbps 2 Mbps or more
4 500 MB 2 Mbps 3 Mbps or more
6 1 GB 2 Mbps 3 Mbps or more
8 1 GB 3 Mbps 10 Mbps
9 2 GB 3 Mbps 10 Mbps
12 2 GB 4 Mbps 10 Mbps
15 2 GB 5 Mbps or more 10 Mbps
20 3 GB 10 Mbps 10 Mbps
 30 4 GB 10 Mbps 10 Mbps    