2. In the Windows Features dialog box, select the Telnet Client check box.
3. Click OK. The installation process might take several minutes and when it completes you can begin using the Telnet client.
Some of the commands available in Telnet include:
Open or o - Establish a Telnet connection with a host computer or remote server. You can use the full command, open, or abbreviate it to just o. For example, o mail.kuku.co.il 25 will connect your computer to a computer named mail.kuku.co.il using port 25.
Close or c - Close an existing Telnet connection. It can be combined with a host name and port number.
Set - Set the terminal type for the connection, turn on local echo, set authentication to NTLM, set the escape character, and set up logging.
To see which commands are available, type a question mark (?) and then press Enter.
very usefull information :)
Thanks for the info!
Usefull info
Thank you
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