Expand the capacity of hard disk using salt?

Expand the capacity of hard disk using salt?

Scientists in Singapore have found a way to expand the capacity of the hard drive and up to six times more.The Institute reported that they developed a process that can extend the capacity of the hard drive and up to 3.3 terabits per second, which is actually six times the current capacity.

'This means that the hard disks today include terabit memory can contain six, using new technology,' the statement said.
Scientists have managed to increase the storage capacity of data and compared it with the packaging of clothes in a suitcase. Bits are packed so there is no space between them.
This method of packaging data is provided by the use of kitchen salt because it provides better visibility and more efficient automated packaging.
"Salt gives us a greater contrast. Now we are more visible lines that would otherwise see no occluded salt, 'said the scientist Joel Young.
Yang predicted that packaging with bits of salt will be accepted in the computer industry until 2016, when current techniques will start missing fuel will increase the need for alternative methods.


Anonymous said...

Good story ! great discovered

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